Carving A Mountain Relief Scene Part 1

This wildlife relief scene comes as a “relief” to those who want to carve something other than faces. Hehe, anyway, enjoy this change of pace! Don’t be afraid to take a stab at it! I’m on fire today.


If you do not have the same tools, remember you do not have to have the exact same sizes-- just within the same size range. For example a #4 25mm can be replaced with a #2 or #3 in a similar width.

  • #4 -25mm (gouge)

  • #11 -4mm (veiner)

  • #9 -6mm (gouge)

  • #9 -16mm (gouge)

  • #47 -4mm (v-tool)

  • 1-1.25” bench or skewed knife

  • #10-3mm (veiner)

  • #11-2mm (veiner)

  • 220 and 320 grit sandpaper


Carving A Mountain Relief Scene Pt II


Bad to Better