Learn to carve realistic faces in wood
Become dangerous in the carving community.
Fundamentals of Woodcarving is a carving school created for beginner, intermediate, and advanced carvers to learn about carving everything from dogwood flowers to realistic faces. Unlike other video schools, Fundamentals of Woodcarving does not just demonstrate projects- but shows you what to do step-by-step in order to create beautiful carvings that sell in the art marketplace.
Most of what I love to do revolves around the human face; the intermediate and advanced categories are made up of human portrait projects. Other beginner projects include, wildflowers, leaves, and mythical beasts. These video projects are designed to get more and more challenging. The more projects you complete--the more skilled you will become. Each month I upload 3 videos which include a beginner, intermediate, and advanced project. You, the subscriber, will be able to weigh in on the types of projects that are added to future FOW uploads. Each new project is uploaded to the 80+ project bank.
3 new projects added each month
$34.99 per Month
$349.99 Per Year
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you rewatch the monthly videos after they have been uploaded? Do they expire? The monthly videos do not expire and are added to the school’s projects and can be viewed wherever there is internet connection.
Is the school live or pre-recorded? Both! Most of the project videos are pre-recorded, but every once in a while I go live on the forum (included in the school) and show you new tips and tricks. The livestreams will also be posted so you won’t miss a thing.
How do I cancel my subscription? On any page, select “Your account” then select “View or Cancel Plans”, then select cancel subscription! Easy as that! FOW is not responsible for canceling your subscription.
What tools will I need? FOW has beginner projects that only requires a 1-1/4” Knife and a V-tool, but intermediate and advanced projects typically use the following tools, If you don’t have the exact tools, don’t fret, just try and stay close to the size and shape:
#4 -25mm
#9 -6mm (gouge)
#9 -16mm (gouge)
60degree -4mm (v-tool)
4-6mm skew
220 grit sandpaper
What materials should I have? The school uses multiple types of wood including cottonwood bark, basswood, birch, and cedar. Found materials such as cottonwood bark are typically between 2-4 inches (5-10cm) wide by 2-4-inches thick and 12-18-inches (30-45cm) in length. Beginner projects are mostly carved in 1x1x4-inch (2.5x2.5x10cm) or 2x2x4-inch (5x5x10cm) pieces of basswood.
What projects are availble? There are 80+ HD recordings of projects ranging from the human portrait to wildlife scenes click the link to see content available as of Oct 2024: Click here
What’s Included in the school?
Over 80 Instructional long-form project videos on carving the realistic face, plants, and wildlife.
Access to my personal critiques via illustrations overlaying your carvings in progress.
A private Facebook forum/community where you can engage with your fellow students.
Access to my 18 years of experience as a full-time carver
Written help guides with information on buying tools, selecting wood, and sharpening without expensive setups (coming soon)
Alec LaCasse, Online Woodcarving Instructor
About me
I have been an instructor of woodcarving for 14 years, primarily focusing on carving the realistic face. I have helped thousands of students learn to carve, some of my students are now professional carvers themselves and are selling and making beautiful artwork as a part-time or full-time job. I am an author, a contributor for Woodcarving Illustrated, a regular guest at the Detroit Institute of Art's "Think like an Artist" exhibit, and a teacher of workshops all over the United States.