fundamentals of woodcarving
Whittling a Rose--Beginner Project
Whittling an ultra satisfying rose in a 1x1”! Super simple beginner project!
Star Christmas Tree Topper--Fun Whittle Project
This simple project will provide you with plenty of opportunity to enjoy the satisfying sound of a sharp knife going through basswood.
Fixing My First Woodspirit
Addressing the mistakes I made in my first carvings and turning my first wood spirit into a better piece.
Beginner Face 1 of 3--The start
How to make a beginner carving and then turn it into an advanced one.
Sculpture from the Perspective of an Archeologist
Sculpture from the perspective of a professor of Archeology
Carving a Flower Out of Stone
Carve a flower that appears soft and velvety from a piece of stone!
Carving a Male Face Beginner (Updated Version)
A more in-depth instructional video for those starting out on their face carving journey.
Carving Round and Cylindrical Beads for a Necklace
How to carve two different types of beads!
Carving a Simple and Charming Little Woodspirit
A fun and charming little wood spirit project designed to challenge the beginner’s face carving skills.
“Brothers” Is based on a series of pieces I did in 2018. These works were quite popular and sold almost instantly! Enjoy me showing you how I create them!
Carving Realistic Human Lips - LIVE
A zoom livestream showing you how I carve realistic lips in cottonwood bark.
Carving a Female Profile
This class aims to show you how to carve a female face from the side view. From nose shape to forehead profiles, the differences between male and female faces are generally simple once understood.