fundamentals of woodcarving
Carving a Mountain Man/Fur Trapper
Carve a mountain man with a fur cap. Thanks to Michael Robinson and John Raisbeck for the suggestion.
Carving a Viking -- pt 1
In this project, I show you how to carve a gnarled viking based on a carving I did a 4 years back. Cheers! Let me know if you have any questions and be sure to post your work on the forum!
Carving the Female Face Pt III -The Hair
The final part of a three part series on carving the realistic female face in Butternut wood.
Carving the Female Face Pt II -Details
Part II of a three part series on carving the female face in Butternut (also known as White Walnut).
Carving the Female Face Pt I -Roughing Out
This instructional video covers the roughing in/setting up of the female face in Butternut wood. What is the difference between the structure of the female and the male face? This lesson answers that questions. A good number of people have requested I cover the topic of carving the female face, so here you go!
Carving a Weathered Sailor Part II
This concludes the detailing of the eyes, nose, mouth, hair, jacket and shirt of the weathered sailor carving.
Carving a Weathered Sailor
This carving covers the details of carving a weathered old sailor with an equally weathered coat and shirt.
Black Elk: Part 1 of 2
This project covers the creation of the Oglala Lakota Medicine Man: Black Elk. Black Elk was a commission taken on while filming the advanced series.
Black Elk: Part 2 of 2
This is part 2 in the creation of the Oglala Lakota Medicine Man: Black Elk.